Kili Nature Call

This photo was taken on December 30, 2021 on Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro.

These crude public toilets sit at campsites. They are nothing more than ‘long drop’ pits surrounded by crude wooden structures. – There are no commodes. One places their feet on either side of a hole and squat. Not surprisingly: not everyone who uses them has good aim and so, they aren’t pretty inside.

When not in camp and nature calls on the trail, one is to go off trail and find a rock or a bush do do one’s business. Given the number of visitors to the mountain, this is a problem.

For our part, we paid the extra money to our guide service (the excellent and highly recommended African Scenic Safaris) for private privies. These are toilets, placed in tents and reserved exclusively for your group. When hiring a guide service to climb Kili, if one has a choice between adding a private toilet or not: spend the extra money and you’ll thank yourself to your dying day.

Tanzania's Kilimanjaro public toilets (aka water closet, WC).

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