Category: World View

Musings, Ramblings and Occasional Blathering OF my World View and FOR the World to View

Facebook and Politics

I really enjoy your poltical Facebook posts, said no one ever. - Some Cards

Periodically, but during the voting season in particular, some friends will post, “I wish there was a hide political rant” button, or they’ll post a snarky image about politics and Facebook. They very well may be right. It’s easy to imagine sophisticated people sitting around a table at a dinner party exchanging political witticisms (“Well …

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New Tracks

Foot imprinting on the dust of the Moon - Apollo 11, 1969

Human society has been in existence for tens of thousands of years. During the majority of that time, human achievements happened relatively slowly. For the vast majority of those who ever lived, it is likely that they did not experience a true watershed, defining moment of human endeavor. And yet, on July 20, 1969, humanity …

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July 2012 – Quote of the Month

Fireworks had for her a direct and magical appeal. Their attraction was more complex than that of any other form of art. They had pattern and sequence, colour and sound, brilliance and mobility; they had suspense, surprise, and a faint hint of danger; above all, they had the supreme quality of transience, which puts the …

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The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man Movie - 2012

“Amazing” is an overstatement, but “New and Improved Spider-Man” works for me. I finally saw the movie last night, – my second attempt. (My first attempted failed because it was the premier night of Batman Rises and the theater failed to update their listings and the fact that they closed a theater that had been …

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June 2012 – Quote of the Month

It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart. ― Rainer Maria Rilke

Shame the devil

CNN headline "The Supreme Court has struck down the individual mandate for health care. Mandate struck down" - June 28, 2012

When CNN was first created: the idea of 24 hour news held the promise of greater, in-depth news coverage. It has turned into tabloid reporting. I laugh when I hear people talk about the ‘liberal media’. All of these large media organizations are corporate owned and funded by other corporations. They serve the dollar, not …

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The Sound of Summer Running

Ray Bradbury books - R is for Rocket, The Martian Chronicles, Dandelion Wine, The Illustrated Man, S is for Space, From the Dust Returned - Photo by Glen Green

I learned today that Ray Bradbury, my second favorite author, died on June 5th. He was 91. As Tolkien was to fantasy, so Ray Bradbury was to science fiction – both popularized their genres. And like Tolkien, Bradbury wrote prose like it was poetry. I still have the old, well loved books and even now, on …

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May 2012 – Quote of the Month

It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall …

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GlenGreenDotCom’s 11th Anniversary

Glen Green's legacy website home page from May 22, 2012

Hello and welcome to the new face of The facelift is in celebration of this site’s 11th anniversary, since Glen Green Dot Com made its debut on May 22nd, 2001. And while this revamped website gets established, I encourage you to peruse the legacy site here at . So, raise your glass and join …

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A Passing Private Note for Friends and Family

Today is a very great day. To find out why, click here to read the Friends and Family News. (Password required).

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