Booptart Dreams

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The other day, I took a nap and had a very vivid dream. Upon waking up, I used my phone’s voice to text to write down what I’d just been dreaming. Here-in follows that transcription with minor clean-up for clarity and ease of understanding:

Thursday, April 25. I just woke up. I’m using voice to text to record this. I had one of those dreams they show in the movies or TV shows where the person wakes up in the dream, and then you wake up in real life.

As in actuality, in the dream I was also laying in bed napping with my iphone plugged in bedside.

In the dream, I hear my phone start to make a series of calls automatically. Specifically, I understand that the Siri assistant is going to make four restaurant reservations for me. (I’m not sure why I had four reservations coming up, but that’s dream logic for you.)

I can hear my phone calling one of the restaurants and I can hearing Siri talking to the restaurant’s maîtrede or host. Siri starts to give the details on the date and time and the number of people who will be in attendance. Apparently the person on the other end asks Siri what name the reservation should be under. For some reason Siri chokes on the needed response (which would have been, ‘Green’) and like a lot of natural language voice simulators, it starts to stall with very human like hesitations, as if it is thinking ‘Uh…. Ummm…. Mhhhh…’ It does this for what seems like a ridiculously long time as the program tries to determine the correct response.

So dream Glen, who has been lying in bed all along listening to dream Siri try to complete this transaction realizes that the voice assistant is stuck and won’t be able to complete the reservation without my help and that soon the restaurant’s host is going to hang up. So in my dream, I roll over and pick up the imagined phone and start talking to the host, explaining the situation: that my phone was making reservations for me and that it clearly got stuck. The dreamed host seems amused. He says that he has had other people use their phone and AI agent to make reservations and he’s used to it.

So as I’m dreaming that I’m talking to this phantom host, he starts to tell me other details about the dinner special that is being served. I can’t quite hear him clearly and he say something about the special which is called, ‘booptarts’. – In the dream, I find this funny and I laugh and ask what is a ‘booptart’? To which the dream host starts to explain that the ingredients include spinach and goat cheese and starts to further elaborate when in my dream my Amazon Echo alarm goes off. And I have to interrupts the host who is still talking to say, ‘I’m sorry I’ve got to stop my alarm.’ And that was when, in real life I woke up because my actual Echo alarm is going off.

I know that dreams very often don’t relate very well when retold, but I figured I’d document it because I’ve always enjoyed those occasions when dreams and waking occur inside of dreams and one wakes to find that it was all a ‘just a dream’. Also: I think someone needs to develop a real world, ‘booptart’. It should be sweet and savory. Perhaps this is a vision quest for me and I’ve now found my life’s purpose. – I’m also curious if I’ll now wake up from a dream where I’m writing a blog post.

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