Gun Shy

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Security Theater amuses and frustrates me.

Today’s random photo from the vault was taken at Bangalore Palace, October 31, 2015.

Here is a simultaneously funny and scary example of Security Theater: an unattended rifle, leaning, rather precariously against a shrub. I watched for some time: no sign of the guard. What could possibly go wrong? The best case scenario is that the rifle wasn’t ever loaded.

I also like the sad little details of the taped and broken plastic chairs.

India is a fantastic place. I highly recommend a visit for those who are open minded. But in a country of over a billion people, it is often evident that safety is very, very laxed, because, I’d guess: there is an underlying, unspoken philosophy that have plenty of back-up people.

Bangalore Palace, India: security theater. Abandoned rifle.
High Security: Bangalore Palace.

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