The Last Number Exchange

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Spam is an evil thing as evidenced by the drag it places on our digital lives as well as the genuine bad intentions behind most of it.

I received this text spam a week or two ago. Its crafty. I can well imagine many people being fooled into responding: perhaps to tell them that they have the wrong number; perhaps because they are genuinely confused about which contact of theirs is reaching out to them.

But my first thought was: this text could spell a lot of danger for many a relationship. How many jealous ‘significant others’ see a message like this pop up on their partner’s phone and immediately go ape-shit? Of course, such a knee-jerk response should be telling of the nature of the relationship in the first place, but a text like this could be gasoline on a match.

I have every expectation that the dawning AI revolution while make this look like child’s play.

Text Spam: You haven't been in touch with me since the last number exchange, what happened?

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